South Coast Rail Service Plan – Market Analysis

Purpose of This Market Analysis

The purpose of this market analysis is to identify where potential SCR riders live in the SRTA service area. The findings from the market analysis will help SRTA develop fixed-route and microtransit scenarios for serving SCR stations.

Study Area

The market analysis primary study area is the entire SRTA service area of Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Somerset, Swansea, and Westport.

Key Findings

In both the New Bedford and Fall River areas, there are high concentrations of potential SCR riders living near existing SRTA fixed routes in the downtown cores. In Fall River, most existing bus routes do not connect areas where there are high concentrations of potential riders to SCR stations with a one-seat ride; transfers at the SRTA Fall River Terminal would be required.

In New Bedford, some existing SRTA fixed routes do serve both concentrations of potential SCR riders and future SCR stations, such as routes NB1/NB2 (routes NB1 and NB2 are interlined) and Route NB4.

In both service areas and under SRTA’s existing fixed-route service, most potential riders would need to transfer at a SRTA terminal to a route that serves a SCR stations.