SRTA Advisory Board Meeting – April 10, 2014 – UPDATED – AGENDA
SRTA is holding an Advisory Board meeting on April 10, 2014 in New Bedford.
The meeting will be held at 5PM at the New Bedford City Hall in the Ashley Room.
Advisory Board April 10, 2014 – New Bedford AGENDA
Questions/topics of discussion to the SRTA Advisory Board (in line with SRTA’s new policy) are due by end of business on Monday, April 7, 2014 to be put on the agenda for the April 10th meeting. For all future meetings they will be due one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
Date: Thursday April 10, 2014 5:00 pm
Place: New Bedford City Hall 133 William St
Ashley Room (1st Fl) New Bedford, MA 02740
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
-February 13, 2014
4. Citizen’s Participation
5. Operator’s Report
6. Civil Rights Update
7. Old Business
-Comprehensive Service Assessment Update
-Connection to Lakeville
-Manomet Place/Waterfront connection New Bedford
-ARRA Funded Suburban Shuttles
8. New Business
-FY14 Budget Adjustment
-FY15 Daft Budget Presentation
-Capital Funds Update
9. Chairman’s Remarks
10. Adjournment