Now Hiring Technician

A Technician is responsible for making mechanical repairs safely and in a timely manner. The Primary objective of a technician is to troubleshoot and make repairs properly and safely. Technicians troubleshoot and repair all aspects of public transportation vehicles. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 …

Now Hiring for Cleaner

The Primary objective of a Cleaner is providing a clean and sanitary operation to the public and employees using services. A Cleaner is responsible for the cleaning of all buildings, grounds and vehicles used in daily operations. Cleaners provide clean and fueled vehicles for daily operations, along with cleaning all …

Request for Qualifications (RFQ 24-02) for On-Call Architectural and Engineering Services

The Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) is responsible for public transit services in ten (10) communities within the Southeastern Massachusetts region, and is funded with Federal, State, and local subsidies, as well as fare box revenue. The SRTA was created pursuant to Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 161B, and …